Salute the sound: Where veterans rock, and dreams take flight



Zack Sliver was a field radio operator in the Marine Corps from 2010-2014. During his time stationed in Quantico, he released a demo CD under a band “Angry Young and Poor”. After Quantico’s OCS shooting, he decided to leave the military and seek a degree in Political Science while pursuing a future in the music industry. He received his degree in 2018 and became the lead singer and guitar player of Yuppie, a local Daytonian alternative rock band that creates honest music that encapsulates Ohio life…music to listen to when you hear the train passing the apartment you can’t afford, after a night of drinking you shouldn’t be able to afford. Yuppie’s debut album, Old Feeling New, was released in October 2017. It was recorded at Encore Recording Studios and Zack was signed to their record label, “Invention City Records”. From military to civilian, businessman to bartender, Zack has worked many jobs and has worn many hats, but music is the one constant in his life that he feels makes worth it all.


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