Salute the sound: Where veterans rock, and dreams take flight

Elliott Mckenzie


U.S. Marine Corps Iraq War combat Veteran
- U.S. Army Civil Affairs Specialist Veteran
- R&B Singer/Songwriter ---------> Elliott Mckenzie
- Actor -------------->
- Photographer -------> Essence Photography
- Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science
- 2 Associate's Degrees. One in Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Behavioral Science & the other in Sociology
- Certificate in Peer Mentorship
- Doggy Daddy to an amazing Italian Greyhound named Romeo !
. After exiting the military I struggled with PTSD and other mental illnesses which lead to homelessness and dropping out of college. Through the power of music, I was able to overcome my struggles and find success in my passions of singing and songwriting. Going from failing grades to graduating on the Dean's list, I found stability, drive, and and inspiration within the journey of becoming a new me. Now, I have the honor of inspiring people worldwide through my story and my music. My goal is to be a living example that we can all overcome our hurtles and live a life of positive experiences even after we feel like we've failed. My debut album "Therapy Session" released in 2021 and I am currently recording my second studio album entitled "Follow Up"


Listen now on Vet Mix